How to Meditate with Music

Listening to music has a positive impact on one’s mental and physical well-being. It can help you relax your body and mind without you having to think about it, which can reduce your stress levels. Stress-inducing changes may also be alleviated by listening to music.

Meditation is one of the most popular stress management treatments for good reason—it provides immediate advantages like a quiet mind and body, as well as long-term benefits like increased resistance to stress. Music and meditation may enhance one another’s good benefits and provide even more stress alleviation when used together.

For those who are new to meditation or are perfectionists, music meditation can be a welcome relief since it is less stressful and more naturally peaceful than other types of meditation because it gives the conscious mind a focal point. It’s a simple method for reducing tension. Practicing this meditation on a daily basis will help you better handle any stress that arises.

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The amount of time required

The recommended minimum duration for music medication is 20 minutes, however even one song can help decrease stress and restore stamina.

Instructions for Music Mediation

  1. Choose music that will help you relax while meditating. If you’re not a fan of classical music, for example, don’t choose it as your music of choice. It’s also a good idea to opt for music with a more laid-back pace and no lyrics in order to avoid distracting yourself from the task at hand.
  2. Relax by finding the perfect spot to sit or lie down. Many people assume they need to sit in a specific posture or use a meditation cushion, but in reality, whichever position you feel most comfortable in is the best position to sit in when practicing meditation. If you’re weary but don’t want to lie down, you may try a few different things to see what works best for you. Breathe in and out via your diaphragm while you shut your eyes and relax your muscles. Relax your shoulders, stomach, and even your facial muscles. Gently extend your belly rather than expanding your chest while inhaling and exhaling.
  3. Keep your attention on the song. As soon as you catch yourself daydreaming about anything unrelated (or even about the music itself), take a few deep breaths and gently bring your focus back to where it belongs: right here, right now. Strive to get emotionally involved in the music.
  4. You have a limited number of minutes to complete this exercise, so make the most of it. Allow yourself to let go of any ideas that come to mind, and instead focus on what you’re hearing, feeling, and seeing in the current now. Quieting your inner voice and just being is the purpose of this exercise. Relaxation will come more rapidly if you just ‘be’ with the music and truly immerse yourself in it.
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  1. You can begin with a few songs or a shorter period of time and gradually increase the length of your practice sessions.
  2. If you notice that the music you’re listening to is triggering a lot of thoughts, memories, or internal conversation, try a new style. In contrast to other styles of music, instrumental music may be more relaxing and less distracting than many others.
  3. It’s easy to keep track of how much time you spend practicing by setting a limit on the number of songs you play or creating a playlist.
  4. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you find yourself ‘thinking too much’ while you’re just starting out with meditation of any kind. This is perfectly normal. Congratulations! You’ve been paying attention to your internal conversation and refocusing your attention on the here and now!
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